Christmas Recovery

O Christmas Tree! Better late than never!

For those who were wondering, yes, we did manage to get that tree up!

It was around 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve but we got it done.  We listened to Mozart and shared a big bowl of French Onion soup.

French Onion Soup for Two

And then of course Santa came to visit . . .


but now Santa is tired.

Christmas aftermath.

We wanted to spend a few days relaxing but a perfectly timed Christmas cold virus has come to visit instead.  The children are affected worse than the adults but it is no fun for anyone.

So, between nursing care and cleaning up and getting a little stir-crazy at home, we are not yet rejuvenated from our celebrations but hope to be soon.

Christmas/the holiday season is always so busy and when it is over we tend to want to stop thinking about it completely and move on to something else.  However, I encourage you to take just 5 minutes to create a list of the best and worst things about your celebration this year.  What would you do again next year?  What will you definitely scratch off the list or improve next year?  For me, the list includes:


  • Warm(ish) weather!
  • Attending the Nutcracker with my daughters.
  • Mozart on Christmas Eve.  A surprising CD pick by one of my children fit the mood of the evening just perfectly.
  • Surprised children on Christmas morning.


  • Too many activities every weekend.  It got too exhausting.  Next year we will definitely scale back.  One big event per weekend is about our limit.
  • Hunting down last-minute gifts.  Updating our gift spreadsheet for next year with the missing recipients so we will plan ahead next year.
  • Would have liked to have done more charity initiatives.

In the meantime, I wanted to share two of the homemade gifts I made this year.  (It is now time to share them since my family are such devoted readers of my blog.)

How did your holiday celebrations fare?  Please share in the comments.